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Typical food from the Dominican Republic. Dishes to taste

Introducing Dominican gastronomy

Dominican cuisine, rich and varied, reflects the history and culture of the country. It is a delicious blend of influences that envelop the senses in a dance of unparalleled flavors and textures. Food in this corner of the Caribbean is a colorful feast of fresh, authentic ingredients that invite visitors to immerse themselves in an unforgettable culinary experience.

In the Dominican Republic, every dish tells a story, every recipe is a reflection of the nation's cultural and geographic diversity. Aromas and flavors come together to create dishes that, in addition to delighting the palate, connect locals and visitors with tradition and national pride.

The heart of Dominican cuisine

Cuisine is the soul of the Dominican Republic. It is an expression of its identity. In every province and in every home, dishes are prepared that are the tangible representation of Dominican history and spirit. Ingredients are blended in a symphony of flavors that highlight the passion for food and sharing.

Dominican culinary art is varied and rich in flavors and textures. The abundance of tropical fruits, fresh vegetables and meats, along with ancestral preparation techniques, result in dishes that are a feast for the senses and a journey through Dominican history and culture.

Dominican main dishes

The main dishes of Dominican gastronomy are a range of culinary experiences that capture the essence of the country's culture and history. Each recipe, each ingredient, tells a story of blends and flavors that transport the taster to the colorful landscapes and rhythms of the Dominican Republic.

From the rich and creamy Mangu to the robust and flavorful Sancocho, each main dish is a journey of flavors, a dance of aromas and textures that define and enrich the Dominican palate.


Mangu, an emblematic dish, has conquered hearts with its simplicity and authentic flavor. Made mainly of boiled and mashed green bananas, it is commonly accompanied by onion, cheese, egg or salami. This rich and nutritious dish is a palpable example of Dominican creativity and tradition.

Its preparation, although simple, requires passion and dedication. The creamy texture and unmistakable flavor make Mangu a dish loved by locals and visitors alike. It is a delight that allows you to explore the essence of Dominican cuisine and invites you to discover more about the country's rich culinary tradition.

Mangu dominicano


Sancocho, brimming with flavor and tradition, is a sample of Dominican culinary art, commonly served at times of celebration and gathering. This dish, of intense flavor and varied texture, illustrates the richness of the local gastronomy, as it is prepared with different types of meat, vegetables, and spices, making each bite a unique and authentic experience.

Cooked slowly and with love, Sancocho is a dish that encapsulates the flavors and aromas of the Dominican land, it is a delicacy that speaks of human warmth and the deep roots of the culture of the Dominican Republic, becoming a bridge that connects people with the culinary history of the country.

Sancocho dominicano de costillas

Chicken stew

Chicken stew is another dish that stands out in Dominican gastronomy. This dish, with a deep flavor and enveloping aroma, is a perfect combination of seasoned chicken cooked with fresh vegetables. It is a sample of Dominican culinary ingenuity and creativity, a dish that satisfies and comforts.

Chicken stew is a feast of flavors that showcases the variety and richness of local ingredients. It is a humble yet delicious dish that reflects the welcoming and friendly spirit of the Dominican people, serving as a reminder of the diversity and culinary richness of this Caribbean nation.

Stewed goat

Stewed goat is a dish full of history and tradition. It is a recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation, and is a reflection of the culinary heritage of the Dominican Republic. Made with goat meat marinated and cooked to perfection, it is a dish that enriches the palate and feeds the soul.

Each bite of Stewed goat is a journey through time and Dominican culture. It is a delight that highlights the native flavors and represents the diversity and complexity of Dominican cuisine, it is a dish that invites exploration and discovery of the country's rich culinary tradition.

Fried fish

Fried fish is a dish that evokes the breeze of the sea and the freshness of the Caribbean. Prepared with fresh fish and seasoned with local spices, it is a culinary experience that refreshes and delights. It is a simple yet exquisite dish that offers a unique and memorable dining experience.

This dish, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, encapsulates the essence of Dominican coastal life. It is a tribute to the sea and the biodiversity of the Caribbean, a culinary jewel that highlights the quality and freshness of local ingredients, and is a palpable example of the Dominican Republic's culinary mastery.

Puerco asado

Roast pork is a dish that resonates in every corner of the Dominican Republic. Its robust flavor and succulent texture are accompanied by an aroma that invites celebration. The preparation process requires patience and passion, allowing each piece of meat to absorb the flavors of the local spices and herbs, becoming a true culinary masterpiece.

The preparation involves the use of high quality pork, marinated in a mixture of orange juice, garlic, and oregano, and slow roasted to perfection. It is a dish enjoyed at festivities and family gatherings, commonly served with tostones or white rice.

White rice with stewed beans

This dish is the heart of Dominican cuisine, and its history is intrinsically linked to the daily lives of Dominicans. The white rice serves as the perfect base for the stewed beans, creating a balance of flavors that satisfies the palate.

Its preparation is simple but meaningful, involving rice cooked to perfection and beans stewed with love and seasoning. It is a dish that reflects the essence of life in the Dominican Republic, being a faithful companion in every day's lunch.


Pastelón, with its sweet and salty flavor, is a delight that enriches the Dominican table. It is a dish that combines layers of ripe plantains and seasoned meat, creating a unique and memorable culinary experience.

Its preparation requires ripe plantains, seasoned beef or pork, and a mixture of cheeses that melt together to create a succulent dish rich in flavor. There are varieties that incorporate different ingredients, allowing you to explore different dimensions of flavor and texture in this versatile and delicious dish.

Sweets and Desserts

Sweets and desserts in the Dominican Republic are a celebration of flavor and tradition. Fresh, local ingredients are transformed into delicacies that sweeten life and highlight holidays and family gatherings. Each dessert tells a story and offers a unique and memorable experience.

Beans with sweet

The sweet taste of beans with sweet is a treat for the palate. This traditional Dominican dessert is especially enjoyed during Holy Week, but its flavor is welcome at any time of the year.

This dessert combines red beans with coconut milk, sugar, and spices such as cinnamon and cloves, creating a sweet and aromatic experience. It is a dessert that is enjoyed cold and is commonly garnished with cookies or sweet potato chunks.

Dominican cake

The Dominican sponge cake is a masterpiece of local confectionery. This rich and fluffy dessert is the star of celebrations and festivities. Each variety offers a unique flavor, but all share the same delicious essence.

The preparation involves fresh ingredients such as eggs, sugar, and flour, and is decorated with frosting and local fruits. Each bizcocho is a reflection of the creativity and passion of Dominican cuisine, a dessert that delights and celebrates the country's culinary diversity.

Sheet cakes

Sheet cakes are a culinary treat of the holiday season. This dish, full of flavor and tradition, is especially enjoyed during the holiday season.

Its preparation involves a green plantain dough, stuffed with seasoned meat and wrapped in banana leaves, cooked to perfection. It is a dish that evokes the warmth of Christmas and is enjoyed with the family, sharing laughter and good times.

Influence of other countries in Latin America

Dominican gastronomy, rich and varied, has experienced culinary influences from different Latin American countries, weaving a vibrant and diverse gastronomic mosaic. Each contribution has enriched the Dominican palate, introducing new culinary techniques and fusions of flavors that highlight the diversity and complexity of the local cuisine.

The fusion of Latin flavors is reflected in the use of similar ingredients and shared culinary techniques, which have been adapted and transformed in the Dominican Republic, creating dishes that, although they have echoes of other places, are undeniably Dominican. These influences have allowed the evolution of a cuisine that is as varied as it is authentic, representing the cultural and culinary mix that characterizes Latin America.

Where to try typical Dominican food

For those who wish to immerse themselves in the authentic flavors of the Dominican Republic, there are multiple options where to try real Dominican food. Small local restaurants and street food stalls offer a variety of dishes full of flavor and tradition, allowing visitors to experience Dominican gastronomy at its best.

In the different regions of the country, you can find places that stand out for their culinary excellence and commitment to the Dominican gastronomic tradition. Restaurants such as Punto & Corcho in Santo Domingo and Jellyfish Restaurant in Bávaro, stand out for their varied and authentic menu, providing an unforgettable culinary experience to locals and tourists, and serving as a guide for those seeking to discover the gastronomic richness of the Dominican Republic.

Still, we remind you of our post where you can find the best restaurants in Punta Cana for tourists.

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