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What to take in your suitcase to Punta Cana?

Don't forget anything at home...

One week before the flight to the Dominican Republic, everything is ready. The passport, the check-in with the airline, the hotel, the tours. You imagine yourself on a beach with turquoise waters, lying in a hammock with a mojito in your hand and, suddenly, you remember that you have to pack your luggage!

At that moment we get doubts about what we should take to our trip. But don't worry, today we want to give you some tips on the essential things to bring to Punta Cana in your suitcase. Here we go!

What kind of suitcase to take to Punta Cana?

If you are going to Punta Cana, it will not normally be a weekend trip. The average stay in this part of the Dominican Republic usually ranges from 10 days to 1 month. That is why we must take into account many factors before choosing which suitcase to take to Punta Cana.

If we are going to be in a luxury resort, we will surely have many more amenities than if we do it in a lower category hotel, so we will not have to fill our suitcase so much.

We must also take into account the type of trip we want to make. If we are going to spend the day at the hotel pool we will not need as many clothes as if we are going to spend our days hiking around the Dominican geography.

The most advisable suitcase to take to Punta Cana is one that is between 60 and 80 liters, with more capacity than one of 40 to put everything you need, but not so big as to fill it with objects that we can do without them during our vacation.

Another recommendation is that, if you go as a couple or group, use as few suitcases as possible to make everything much easier when traveling. Carrying a small backpack as hand luggage for flights and buses is another very good idea.

The checklist for your suitcase for your trip to Punta Cana

Now, let's get down to work. It's time to make a checklist with all the things you can't forget when packing your suitcase to go to Punta Cana. Remember that this list is only a recommendation, and although we firmly believe in the advice we are going to give you, each person has their own needs and can adapt the list in their own way.

Checklist suitcase punta cana

1. Clothing

We start with the main thing for vacation. And is that many times we do not know what to take to Punta Cana and what kind of clothes.

You have to remember that the Caribbean is dominated by a tropical climate that increases its temperature throughout the year. That is why we will have to include more short clothes than for other types of vacations:

  • 5x T-shirts: 3 cotton and 2 sport shirts. This selection is good in case one day we want to do some sport in the gym of our hotel. Also, these shirts can be useful when we want to go on an excursion.
  • 2x shirts or dresses: for when we want to go out elegant, we should have 2 shirts or dresses. The nightlife in Punta Cana is one of the most spectacular in the Caribbean, so you will want to look your best for the disco or a party boat.
  • 2x jeans: a must-have for any trip that you can wear on many occasions.
  • 2x shorts or skirts: shorts or skirts will be your best ally for vacations in punta cana.
  • 2x swimsuit or bikini: as they take up little space, there is nothing better than taking 2 swimsuits or bikinis to use one while the other dries. This garment is essential, as you will spend the whole day at the hotel pool or on the beach snorkeling.
  • 1x long trekking pants: for hiking, nothing better than long trekking pants that are comfortable.
  • 1x trekking shorts.
  • 10x underwear: it depends on how long your vacation will last, but remember that laundry services are available at the hotel or resort.
    10x socks: 4 long and 6 short.

For footwear we want to dedicate a few paragraphs apart.

As for every trip, we recommend first of all comfortable sports shoes.

You can also wear dress shoes or heels for special occasions.

Sandals or flip-flops are a must, since most of your time in Punta Cana will be spent on the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean.

Finally, we also recommend that you wear comfortable shoes for the excursions, as many of them will require you to walk for quite a long time.

2. Pool and beach towel

A towel is usually very necessary on any trip. We recommend you to bring one in your suitcase for Punta Cana. However, you should also know that hotels often have shower and beach towels for their guests.

It is best to contact your accommodation to find out if they have this service, so you do not put unnecessary things in your suitcase.

3. Backpack

In addition to your suitcase to Punta Cana, we strongly recommend that you also take a small beach backpack on your vacation. This item can help us to carry all the important things with us when we are away from the hotel or resort.

In addition, it will serve as extra storage for our waiting at airports and during flights.

4. First Aid Kit

There are plenty of pharmacies in Punta Cana. But when you go shopping, remember that you will pay much more for any medicine or health element.

That is why we urge you to prepare a small basic first aid kit at home: band-aids, gauze, antihistamines, gastric protectors and Betadine.

If you are going on excursions such as, for example, visiting Saona Island, you should take into account that you will spend some hours by boat. If you tend to get seasick, it is a good idea to take biodramine so that you don't have such a hard time when traveling by water.

5. Toilet bag

The toiletry bag is also a mandatory part of any trip. For Punta Cana, we recommend you to bring:

  • Sunscreen: The Dominican sun is very strong, and if you are not careful you can suffer skin burns. Make sure you bring enough sunscreen for your vacation, best with a high protection factor. If you haven't been in the sun for a while, use one that has a UV filter of 50 or higher. And if it is water resistant, even better.
  • After sun: After a day at the beach, doing some activity or just going for a walk, your skin will thank you for soothing it with a little after sun.
  • Toothbrush: Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you don't have to take care of your teeth hygiene, so bring a toothbrush to keep them clean. It also doesn't hurt to bring a tube of toothpaste and some mouthwash. In many hotels all this is provided, but just in case bring your own.
  • Deodorant: The heat and humidity can cause your body to sweat excessively, with all that this entails. A good deodorant will prevent you from feeling uncomfortable when passing by other people, by eliminating the bad smell that can occur if you sweat too much.
  • Perfume or cologne: Surely some occasion has a more elegant character, and a little cologne will help you to finish off the look.
  • Moisturizer: Essential to hydrate your skin after a day at the beach.
  • Condoms: Really?
neceser punta cana

6. Documentation

It seems obvious, but you wouldn't be the first or the last person to realize that they don't have their passport with them when they arrive at the airport. To make everything much more secure, we also recommend that you scan all important documents and upload them to the cloud.

The driver's license is another thing to bring in your suitcase to Punta Cana. You might want to rent a car or take a buggy tour someday, so don't forget it.

Also, don't forget the documentation of your reservation with the resort, if you have it. Make sure you have printed out the information to be able to arrive, and the information of your reservation that shows that you have everything under control. Normally they have it on the computer, but it is a good idea to bring a copy with you for peace of mind.

7. Medical insurance

No one thinks that an accident will happen during a vacation, but unforeseen events are inevitable. To be covered in any situation, take out medical insurance to take care of everything.

Keep in mind that if you don't have it, you will have to pay out of pocket for any medical assistance you need, so it can be a very high expense. With proper medical insurance, you won't have to worry about anything.

You can get it from your travel agency at the time of booking. And if you are adventurous and traveling on your own, you will have to hire it externally.

8. Cash

For our arrival in Punta Cana, we must have some cash. This is essential, since, if we have euros or dollars when we arrive at the airport, we will be able to exchange them right there for Dominican pesos.

One recommendation is that if you have a transfer to the hotel or have private transportation in Punta Cana, wait to exchange the money at a local exchange house, as the exchange rate is usually higher at the airports.

You can also talk to your bank to exchange some Dominican pesos before you travel.

Still, if you are one of those who use credit cards for everything, we have to tell you that this method of payment is becoming more and more widespread in almost all Dominican businesses. But it never hurts to carry some cash with us.

9. Camera

Whether you are passionate about photography or just starting out, we recommend taking a camera set with you to Punta Cana.

The natural sites of the Dominican Republic are breathtaking, so a compact or SLR camera will bring out the best side of this part of the Caribbean.

You can also take a GoPro-style sports camera with you, as many activities are related to the sea. Recording or taking pictures of a snorkel in Punta Cana will be the best souvenir we can keep.

10. Accessories

We are now entering one of the most difficult moments when packing a suitcase. We often don't know which accessories to take and which not to take. This is our short list of the accessories that you can not forget:

  • Chargers: Surely you carry electronic devices, and you will need to charge them frequently. Don't forget to take your chargers with you to plug them in when you need them.
  • 110V adapter (optional): Plugs in the Dominican Republic operate at 110V, so if you are coming from a country where your devices charge at a different voltage you will need to bring an adapter so you don't have problems with electricity. If you want to know more about if you need an adapter in Dominican Republic, the best thing to do is to read this article.
  • Cap or hat: You will need to protect your head from the sun when you are outside, so you also need to add a cap or hat to cover yourself well. Alternatively, you can use a scarf to cover your head on outings or excursions.
  • Pen and notebook: to write down all important data, such as addresses or timetables, you can carry a small notebook and a pen.
  • Sunglasses: With them you can protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays, especially if you have light-colored or very sensitive eyes.

11. Mosquito repellent

It is no secret that there are many mosquitoes in the Dominican Republic. The tropical climate together with the high humidity makes these insects proliferate even in tourist areas.

That is why it is advisable to take an anti-mosquito repellent with you on your trip, as well as an after bite for when the bite has already occurred.

In hotels you can also ask for plug-in repellents to put in your room.

Tip: don't fill your suitcase on the way out.

There are many things you can bring that are not on this list. But remember not to fill your suitcase with things you will not use during your stay in Punta Cana.

In addition, it is perfect to make room for souvenirs that you acquire in Dominican territory in tours and activities.

Do you miss anything else?

Now that you know what to bring in your suitcase to enjoy an unforgettable vacation in Punta Cana, it's time to prepare everything. Make sure you write it all down in your checklist and check off one by one each of the things we have mentioned. And if after reading this post you realize that you, personally, are missing something, put it on the list. The items we have listed are just a base to work on, and you always have to adapt it to your particular needs.

In any case, packing for a Punta Cana vacation can be a challenge, but if you plan ahead, you'll be sure to have a wonderful experience in a dream destination.

The key is to anticipate and plan ahead based on what you and the people you'll be traveling with need. With this guide in mind, you will be able to bring everything you need to enjoy a great vacation.

We hope we have helped you and that when you are in Punta Cana you don't miss anything. Don't wait any longer and start preparing your luggage for your next vacation.

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